Sleep Sleep Sleep now... baby (CD)
This peaceful CD is perfect for you to play to your baby at bedtime and ideal for those nightime feeds. The familiar cues will trigger your babies calming reflex helping them to fall asleep and sleep peacefully.
Sleep Sleep Sleep now....... is a unique and beautiful CD which will help your baby to sleep. Reproducing the sound of the mothers heartbeat in the womb soothes babies helping them to feel peaceful and calm. To enable your baby to sleep well it is important to establish a good bedtime routine with cues to help them go to sleep. This CD is a blend of background tranquil ambient music accompanied by a resting rhythmic heartbeat and a soft soothing Shhhhh sound. Use this CD in conjunction with a good bedtime routine enabling your baby to identify their sleep cue. The Shhhhh sound can be reproduced by parents anywhere at anytime acting as a natural comfort for your baby. This CD is perfect for you to play to your baby at nap or bedtime and ideal for those nightime feeds.
This CD was specifically designed to be played at a low volume
Track 55:12minute.
Audio Anna Rowe
Composition by Val Clews and Anna Rowe
Music by: Jason Livesay (used under license from shockwavesounds)
©& (p) 2010 Natural Harmony Productions Ltd
You should not listen to this CD whilst driving a car or operating machinery
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