Relaxation Techniques for a Healthy Life (CD)

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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This lovely CD was created to give you the tools and techniques that you need for a healthy life.  Incorporate at least one of these techniques daily to help you to relax and unleash your ability to promote health and wellbeing.



Relaxation Techniques for a Healthy Life (Full Download)

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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This lovely CD was created to give you the tools and techniques that you need for a healthy life.  Incorporate at least one of these techniques daily to help you to relax and unleash your ability to promote health and wellbeing.

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The Breath (Download) Two Tracks

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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Calmness is just a few deep breathes away. Track 1: Introduction.  Track 2: 'The breath' technique  will guide you  to take the most effective deep breath which is known as abdominal breathing. The benefit of using deep abdominal breathing is long lasting and you will find that you can feel calm and fully in control in any situation that causes you stress.


Grounding (Download) Two Tracks

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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Track 1: Introduction. Track 2: Grounding Technique. This is an excellent technique for those that experience a spacey type of feeling which is sometimes referred to as ‘ungrounded’.  This technique will help you to feel less spacey and more ‘grounded’.  It can also help to alleviate headaches. 


Awareness of Self (Download) Two Tracks

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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Track 1: Introduction. Track 2: Awareness of Self. This track invites you to experience awareness of self through all your senses.  Enjoy the peace and clam of this powerful technique.


The Inner Smile (Download) Two Tracks

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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In ancient China the Taoists taught that a constant inner smile to oneself insured health, happiness and longevity. Track 1: Introduction. Track 2: The Inner Smiles. This track is a guided sequence where you can enjoy and experience the inner smile for yourself. 



The Inner Awareness Relaxation (Download) Two Tracks

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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Track 1: Introduction. Track 2: The Inner Awareness Relaxation. This relaxation technique will guide you to identify and release any areas of tension in your body. Through practicing the 'Inner Awareness Relaxation' you will achieve a deep state of relaxation.



Visualisation (Download)

Relaxation for a Healthy Life

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This deep visualisation will take you on a beautiful journey where you can completely relax and nourish your body and mind in the tranquility of nature. You will experience total peace and calm.

